It was no surprise to find that Banba won the FUN WALK!! To be honest we were a tad shocked cuz we thought Eriu and Fodla had more of a chance of winning it :L :o We had such a greaat day on friday opening up the Fun Walk dances to the whole school :D It was such a good daay ... felt almost a little to comfrotable in a builders outfit ... but you know :L
We were Bob The Builders and we dressed up Ms B and Mr L in the schools spare uniforms and Mr L danced out out to Lalalalalalala Banba :D Definitely had to be one of the great daays of TY so far :)
We got a box of roses for the class of course when your the last one to get the box of roses well then its no surprise that you dont really get the real good ones :/ :D
I think that Banba would agree that beating Fodla was probably an amazing experince :D Like after all there secrecy and hard work and ''blood and sweat'' and you no not telling us what they were doing (which made us think they were gona blow us away with there dance and everything... ) It was a pretty good dance :D Did love it :)
it proper was one of the best days on TY!! :D